AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH

Saarbruecken, Germany


Static program analysis (timing analysis, stack analysis), analyser tools.

Specific skills

AbsInt started as a spin-off from the Chair for Programming Languages and Compiler Construction at Saarland University. AbsInt’s product range includes tools for timing analysis, stack usage analysis, code compaction, and graph visualisation. The analysis tools and the code compactor are based on an abstract interpretation approach. They operate on executables for various processor architectures, including modern micro-controllers with caches and complex pipelines. AbsInt’s working on this wide range of architectures has led to deep insights into the predictability properties of hardware architectures. AbsInt has been awarded a 2004 European Information Society Technology (IST) Prize for its timing analyser aiT. Customers include large companies with safety-critical applications such as Daimler, Siemens, Infineon and Airbus. Projects in which AbsInt is or has been involved include DAEDALUS, Verisoft, EmBounded, SuReal, and ARTIST2.

Key personnel

PREDATOR-related publications