Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Zurich, Switzerland


Leading WP4, performance analysis, distributed hardware and software systems, real-time processing, multi-objective optimisation.

Specific skills

The Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has about 50 PhD students and is led by professor Lothar Thiele. The researchers involved in the PREDATOR project have experience in the following areas:

Currently, the research group is involved in the European network of Excellence ARTIST2 (leading the activities in the area of execution platforms for real-time applications) and the European IP project SHAPES (leading the software related activities of mapping parallel applications to a tiled processor array). In the PREDATOR project, this expertise will be extended towards a new methodology that combines predictability and efficiency in a synergistic manner. The focus will be on developing new adaptive methods at the layer of distributed operation.

Key personnel

PREDATOR-related publications